Soy tiempo.
Eres tiempo.
Me siento aquí .
Te sientas allí.
Yo crecí aquí.
Vosotros crecisteis allí.
¿Dónde está nuestra casa?
¿Dónde está nuestro cuerpo?
El pensamiento es limitado.
El pensamiento está en el cerebro.
Pasando por el cuerpo, antes y después.
Todo el movimiento del ciclo de la vida es tiempo.
Todo el tiempo es un cuerpo creciendo.
Como tortugas que visitan una isla.
Como el tiempo viviendo en nuestro corazón.
Saya adalah waktu
Kamu adalah waktu.
Saya adalah waktu
Kamu adalah waktu.
Saya duduk disini.
Kamu duduk di situ.Saya tumbuh disini.
Kalian tumbuh disitu.
Dimana rumah kita?
Dimana tubuh kita?
Pikiran itu terbatas.
Pikiran itu didalam otak.Selidikilah.
Temukanlah.Tubuh yang melewati sesudah dan sebelum.
Seluruh siklus gerak kehidupan adalah waktu.
Seluruh waktu adalah tubuh yang tumbuh.
Seperti kura kura yang mengunjungi pulau
Seperti waktu yang bersemayam di hati.@ Valencia , SPANYOL 2011
A story of a darkness that’s holds a speck of light
A communication device, one that’s doesn’t recognize a person voice is suddenly destroyed
A bathtub full of water has already drained the life out of her,
There she is drooping, exhausted, somewhere between life and death
In her dream, she hangs from the root of a branch, a ware that death is waiting, afraid that she will die without ever knowing love, greater than the fear of the death is loneliness
She isn’t alone in this dark horror
True as its, surely the darkness has a speck of light that hasn’t yet been seen, one small gap could be the path towards one more breath, one which relieves
At the essence of the first flame, killing death within must be done, after life there is rebirth.
@Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2009
Half an orange, leave for a while. Two separate journeys. Peel the fruit, but it will return. Tomorrow will grow, tomorrow will break, tomorrow is ripe for taking. For everyone who is listening, feel it. I show you rotten fruit, my friend see this too. My rotten splits, another fragment, this time my land. Not just a coincidence, I want together we touch heart. That is the secret of the fruit. Minds eyes; mine, yours, theirs. Its sharp. So, why do you still worry my friend ? its’nt as it seems. There’s strangeness ahead. I remember my friend chest, branded. The wound was smell. The burn of two old journeys. Half an orange inside me, only for half an orange, splits, like a blue flower in the night of stone, through a red star. Night. Qlaroscura. Everything is clear, the strangeness of the universe, every quiet exis, every secret fruit on the tree. Secret fruit. That is what I told to ears without doors.
@ Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2007
Everything woke up in the morning. Glassed face was not very important. Something weird moved in deeply, what was fought over from the conflict? foot step, besides trained-martial-art-technique and mastering chi, to walk on the leaves without fall, was it right? i was not in the rush for the answers of those. At least from conversation about a mix couple who usually moved their breath. Breath that missed unity of genital silently. It was so passionate dance party, but so painful.
@ Jakarta, INDONESIA 2008
Two shoes encounter, an intercourse. Its polish trapped, by the threeteen cold summer pan. Folded tongue, skin and folded land. Then zebra proposes the grass. The grass blind them selves. Forget. The light of an egg begins two crack, though warm, yet no traces. Isn’t losing happens before finding?; until the steel needle immersed in those funny towns. Sheld wear its veil. Red shoes is hatching. While its hand, still and just cleaved, then what has rise, seduce the whole body, yet could be touched, still. Rebellious red shoes prepare to be defeated. Couldn’t careless. Guard writhe heavyly, they mermerized by time, and forget. Rowing to do other road.
@ Jakarta, INDONESIA 2009
Arak-arakan daun hijau mendebu, tulang-belulang. Berapa tanggal lahirmu ? Pasti, segera acungkan kepalan tangan. Kepalamu benjol, Dadamu juga, Ember plastik anti pecah, Maaf tak sengaja. Senapan-senapan bisu jangan di parkir, gedung itu baru saja dibangun, stop. Adakah surat-suratnya? waktunya makan buah-buahan, jus coklat. Ada apa? ; Jalanan sedang di blokade, airnya habis untuk tamu agung, belahan baju besi. Lalu gadhis di sampingku pergi menanam pohon, diberi pagar kabel agar musang tak mengerat, lalu kulkas hidup, sepotong roti sayur dan masih ada sinyal kuat. Sofa Coklat, kuingin membawa gadhisku berperahu ke hutan danau, kenapa? nafasnya sungguh wangi. Tidak terpikirkah olehmu, sofa coklat ? Hutan wangi, danau wangi, tembok kota wangi, wangi, wangi, nyanyian wangi, orang-orang wangi. Cerewet nafasmu wangi.
@Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2008
Lonceng air menegaskan bahagia, dari kedalaman.
Saat telinga bergambar dan lupaku lumat.
Merpati merpati pembawa pesan, mengeja dari utara, air mata waktu.
Tubuh terpendamku tidak lupa tomat dan bawang bombay, karena air sucimu telah mengeram di telinga keduaku.
Tidak ada yang salah dengan embun besar, karena telah membasuh baju kita.
Tangan kiri masih terkepal saja. Merpati merpati itu menggumamkan dari seorang sidharta.
@ Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2008
Merpati merpati pembawa pesan, mengeja dari utara, air mata waktu.
Tubuh terpendamku tidak lupa tomat dan bawang bombay, karena air sucimu telah mengeram di telinga keduaku.
Tidak ada yang salah dengan embun besar, karena telah membasuh baju kita.
Tangan kiri masih terkepal saja. Merpati merpati itu menggumamkan dari seorang sidharta.
@ Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2008
kadyo isi thukul neng tegalan watu
suket watu
nguntal watu
dhuwit watu
bawuk watu
konthol watu
sega watu
tegalan watu sing di enjah-enjah kuru garpu
arep neng ngendi paranmu?
sidane arep metu
wis lali marang ibu
kok isih dipeksane nggowo pacul karo mlayu
bajingan-bajingan omonganmu koyo dahuru
kok anggep kowe ki sopo lan apamu
bregeji ora duwe untu
ning sumbarmu ngglogok-ngglogok
kadyo isih neng tegalan watu
patrapmu girang gumuyu
konthol suwek telu
bawuk remuk rempu
untalen getih lan nanah mring gulumu
sido mati kuru
tanpo balung tanpo ratu
sawiyah-wiyah mergo pundhakmu mbenggol kebak jembut
karang pandan kang bakal mbusak crito raimu
kadya tegalan watu ora bakal sumimpen bathangmu.
@Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2006